We entered the 'gates' & entered another century also... surrounded by carefully chosen, thoroughly prepared & much fine detail... displaying all & everything of medieval!
I hope these piCs will 'speak' to you, in a sense & maybe give you a good taste of the capturing, medieval environment we explored!
a GOOD puppet show!!
Medieval musiC... a mandolin
Entertainment for the 'peasants'!
The 'workers'!
We 'bumped' into some friends! Christine, with her twin boys, are at playgroup with Levi. Mark & their father, Damon, joined 2 other dads to see an English movie few nights later!
LeVi, Matthew & Aidan
'A Knights Tale' ...have you seen this movie?
The humour? The armour? The jousting?
The crowds are waiting in great anticipation!!
The jousters are being introduced...
Jousting beginS...
The crowds cheered with great spirit... "we will, we will, rock you...!"
This was 'A KNIGHTS TALE' kind-of time for uS... ;-)