Thursday, May 15, 2008

Do they ride bicycles where you come from?

Before we get started with this post, a quick update. Things have been really busy for us since December, which is why there have been no posts. We have 9 posts planned, but they will be mostly pictures. If you have questions, please feel free to leave a comment or to actually e-mail us, the old fashioned way :)

We were visiting friends a while ago, and someone asked us "Do they ride bicycles where you come from?".

For those of you that are still not sure, here are some photo's from around here.

The Traffic lights also include bikes in their planning. "frei" means that they ARE allowed.

Pedestrians to the left, bikes to the right.

Bike lanes.

Just random bikers ...

Rental bikes in Stuttgart. Quite common in Europe I hear :)

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